Wednesday 5 December 2012

Peer Assessment

Once my music video was finished and had been exported it was time to watch my own video back with the rest of my class, as well as watching everyone else's videos too. 
Before we watched the videos we looked at the grading criteria for the assignment so that whilst watching the videos we were able to give our thoughts and a predicted grade. 

I found this task very good and helpful to me as it allowed me to get other people's opinions on my video and to see what kind of grade I could achieve, it also gave me feedback on what I could improve next time. I was also able to give my opinion on others videos and watch what they had spent two weeks creating and editing. 

The feedback from my video indicated that I should be able to at least achieve a Merit grade for this assignment, I was pleased with this result and I was also given tips on how I could bring it up to the distinction grade in future. 
There were two main things I could improve on in future, the first being that the majority of my lip sync shots were taken in my house against a white wall, due to the fact that my first idea was to put myself onto a black background during editing. However this idea changed and the background was left as white, but you could easily see that it was just a white wall in a house due to the darkness and marks on the wall. I did edit the shots to make them brighter and warmer so this did help. But most people did say these shots let my video down slightly as I used such strong locations throughout the rest of the video then these simple shots were placed in between, I will learn from this mistake during a task like this in future! 
My other piece of negative feedback was that during my lip sync shots I could have been more involved and enthusiastic when singing a long to the track, to make the video look more professional and realistic. I held back slightly when singing to the track so in future I will ensure to blast the song out very loud and sing as loud and as enthusiastic as possible.
Apart from these two problems my video was successful and my class seemed to like it!

Receiving feedback from my class mates and teacher has definitely been a good part of this assignment, it has given me feedback that I can use in the future to improve my work and positive hope on getting the grade I would like to achieve in this assignment. 

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